Dairyline Markets In Review

Chuck ZimmermanDairyline, Markets

Cash cheese continued to inch higher despite the bearish Milk Production data. The blocks closed Friday at $1.50 per pound, up 3 3/4-cents on the week and 36 cents above that week a year ago. Barrel closed at $1.4775, up 6 cents on the week, and 39 3/4-cents above a year ago. Fifteen cars of block traded hands on the week and four of barrel. The NASS average block price slipped 1.4 cents, to $1.3898. Barrel averaged $1.4004, up 0.7 cent.

Butter reversed gears, closing at $1.58, down 3 1/2-cents on the week but 31 1/2 above a year ago. Eight cars sold. The NASS average hit $1.5896, up 0.3 cent.

Grade A nonfat dry milk also did an about face, closing at $1.30, down 3 1/2-cents on the week. Extra Grade closed at $1.29, down a penny. NASS powder averaged $1.2530, up 0.7 cents. Dry whey averaged 36.53 cents per pound, up a half cent.

Provided courtesy of Dairyline.