NMPF to Host Webinar on Foundation

News EditorGeneral

Would you like to learn more about National Milk Producers Federation “Foundation of the Future?” Then plan to participate in a webinar on Friday, June 11, 2010 at 12 noon Eastern/9 am Pacific. NMPF will explain aspects of the “Foundation for the Future” proposal.

Use the information below to participate in the webinar:

Meeting Number: 593 409 320
Meeting Password: NMPF2010

To join the online meeting
1. Go to https://intercall.webex.com/intercall/j.php?ED=139868392&UID=0&PW=NN2Y5ZGY2OTZh&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: NMPF2010
4. Click “Join Now”.
To join the teleconference
Provide your phone number when you join the meeting to receive a call back. Alternatively, you can call:
Call-in toll-free number: (866) 852-1359 (US/Canada)
Call-in number: (832) 445-83708 (US/Canada)
Conference Code: 703 469 2372
For assistance
1. Go to https://intercall.webex.com/intercall/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click “Support”

Source: National Milk Producers Federation