Holstein USA Convention Wraps

News EditorHolstein Association

The annual Holstein Association USA convention and annual meeting wrapped up on Tuesday, June 29 in Minnesota. New board members and Junior Distinguished Members were chosen. To find more highlights, visit the Association’s website.

Board Elections:
Re-elected to his second three-year term on the Holstein Association USA board of directors was Leroy Eggink, representing Region 6. Elected to their first three-year term on the board are Peter B. Waterman, Maine, for Region 1; Gayle M. Carson, Tennessee, in Region 4; and Corey Geiger, Wisconsin, for the At-Large position. Retiring from the board of directors this year are Gordon M. Cook, Jr., At-Large Director; John C. Kalmey, Ky., from Region 4; and William H. Peck, N.Y., of Region 1.

The six Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) finalists were named:
Jacob Brey, Wisconsin
Katie Hanehan, New York
Leah Henkes, Iowa
Megan Herberg, Minnesota
Benjamin Kinnard, Wisconsin
Maureen Lee, Wisconsin

California defeated Minnesota in the Junior Dairy Bowl finals. In the Senior Dairy Bowl competition, Pennsylvania bested the team from Washington to claim the title.

Source: Holstein Association USA