Brooks Promoted at NMPF

News EditorCompany Announcement

Congratulations to Dana L. Brooks for her promotion to Senior Vice President of Government Relations for the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF). Brooks, who has worked for NMPF for nearly two years, had been serving as VP of Government Relations.

“Dana’s passion for agriculture and energetic personality continue to enhance our capabilities to deal on Capitol Hill with the numerous challenges facing our cooperatives and dairy producers,” said Jerry Kozak, President and CEO of NMPF, to whom Brooks reports.

Brooks previously worked in Washington as a legislative assistant for two members of Congress: Rep. Marion Berry (D-AR), and later, Rep. JoAnn Emerson (R-MO). After her legislative positions on Capitol Hill, Brooks served as Director of Congressional Relations for the American Farm Bureau Federation in Washington, DC. Brooks most recently worked on national policy issues at the Florida Farm Bureau in Gainesville, FL.

During Brooks’ tenure at NMPF, she has helped focus attention in Congress on the economic crisis that affected dairy farmers in 2009, while also helping to shepherd dairy-friendly provisions into the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill. She also worked in 2010 to ensure that the mandatory, electronic reporting of dairy prices was signed into law.

Source: National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)