New Look for Checkoff Site

News EditorDairy Checkoff

Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), the national dairy checkoff organization, announces a new checkoff resource website for dairy farmers.

The website has enhanced photos and graphics to help deliver the latest news on how farmers’ investment is working to grow sales of U.S. dairy products. Before its launch, producers had an opportunity to provide input about the site’s redesign during the recent World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis.

“The redesign reaches an exciting new level of appearance and user engagement, which is critical in today’s ever-changing cyber world,” said Paul Rovey, Arizona dairy producer and chair of Dairy Management Inc.™, which manages the national dairy checkoff. “We received positive responses and feedback from producers that was useful to our redesign efforts. We look forward to seeing more traffic coming through the site and producers making use of this great checkoff resource.”

Producers visiting the site will see more easy-to-follow links to dairy farmer image programs, such as “Telling Your Story” that helps producers become active industry spokespersons in their communities.

There is current news about checkoff-led initiatives such as Fuel Up to Play 60 that aims to improve health and wellness levels among students across the country through a partnership with the NFL and USDA. Producers also can find information about how the dairy checkoff is making strides to build demand for U.S.-produced dairy products through strategic partnerships with companies such as McDonald’s and Domino’s.

The site includes contact information for local checkoff offices, plus a list of industry meetings being held across the country, including those where checkoff staff will be present to talk about the program’s strategy and direction.

Source: Dairy Management Inc.