Athy Joins ATA

News EditorCompany Announcement, Holstein Association

Congratulations to Denise Athy of Visalia, Calif. on her new position with AgriTech Analytics (ATA) as a marketing representative.

In her role, Denise will be responsible for promoting and providing support for ATA sales and services to dairy producers, DHIA and other industry partners.

“Denise’s previous experience with ATA will make her a real asset to the organization, as she knows the customers and knows the system,” said ATA General Manager Bill ver Boort. “We are looking forward to having a fulltime person to promote ATA services on the farm, and Denise brings a lot of enthusiasm to the job.”

Athy obtained her B.S. from California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo, were she studied agribusiness. Prior to accepting the ATA marketing representative position, Athy worked as a sales representative for the Wilbur-Ellis Company since 2007, and previously served as a dairy records processing technician with ATA from 2001 to 2007.

AgriTech Analytics is a certified Dairy Records Processing Center (DRPC) located in Visalia, Calif. ATA is the second largest DRPC, processing production records for over 900,000 cows monthly, and is owned by Holstein Association USA, Inc. Part of the U.S. DHIA System, ATA provides data to dairy producers for management, genetic improvement and pedigree purposes. For more information about ATA, visit Denise Athy may be reached at 559.827.3464 or

Source: AgriTech Analytics (ATA)