Holstein Holds Board Meeting

News EditorHolstein Association

The spring Holstein Association USA, Inc. board of directors meeting was held in Brattleboro, Vt., March 24-25.

The Business Plan portion of the meeting included updates on 2011 objectives. The board heard reports from the Audit, Nominating, Genetic Advancement, Legislative Affairs, and Show committees.

Member participation in the programs and services provided by the Association demonstrate an encouraging start to the year. Management reported registrations through March 19th of 80,406, up 0.5 percent from 2010. Holstein COMPLETESM enrollments totaled 243,628 cows and 1,773 herds, an increase of 5 percent and 4 percent respectively over the same time last year.

The board approved a one-day annual business meeting format beginning at the 2014 National Holstein Convention in Iowa. The more efficient one-day format will make serving as a delegate less of a time commitment for members and ease some of the planning burden on host states, while still allowing ample time for discussion of Association business.

The board approved a proposed amendment to the Bylaws Article II, Section 1 by adding the following language:

“Candidates must submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement to the Nominating Committee prior to closing of nominations at Annual Meeting. Candidates will be screened by the Nominating Committee and a slate of candidates will be presented to the delegates.”

This proposal will be presented to Holstein Association USA delegates in 2011 and, if passed, will become effective in 2012.

Early genetic information resulting from genomic testing could create a situation wherein an animal could qualify for the Dam of Merit recognition without being a milking female. In order to maintain the integrity of this permanent recognition, the board approved criteria changes which state, “In order to be recognized as a Dam of Merit, a cow must have a GTPISM or CTPISM exceeding year of birth cutoff and at least three offspring with a PTA for production and type; the GTPI or CTPI must be calculated using a required classification score.”

The board approved a requirement that a bull must have at least 10 U.S. daughters in order to be eligible for inclusion on the domestic Top 100 TPI Bull List.

Also, the board approved the recommendation to declare Brachyspina as an undesirable recessive, and approve the recording of the testing results with the coding of BY for carrier and TY for tested free. Visit the Holstein Association USA website for more information about Brachyspina.

The board approved a policy requiring delegates who wish to propose a resolution to deliver it in writing to the Executive Secretary no later than 5:00 p.m. the night before the annual meeting.

The next board of directors meeting will be held June 21-22, in Richmond, Va., in conjunction with the Association’s Annual Meeting and Convention. The fall board meeting will take place in Chicago, Ill., November 17-18.

Source: Holstein Association USA