Land O'Lakes Honored

News EditorCompany Announcement

Congratulations to Land O’Lakes, Inc., for being named one of America’s Greatest Brands.

The ninth edition of the America’s Greatest Brands book features 45 companies, showcasing their history, achievements and brand impact. In addition to Land O’Lakes, other companies recognized include WalMart, Campbell’s, Oreo, Subway, The Home Depot, FedEx, and The New York Times.

Chris Policinski, President and CEO of Land O’Lakes, is honored to see Land O’Lakes, a national, farmer-owned food and agriculture cooperative, featured in the book.

“Being recognized as one of America’s Greatest Brands reflects Land O’Lakes’ rich history of progress and innovation, as well as consumer and customer confidence in our products, services and values,” Policinski said in a new release.

The brands are chosen by the American Brands Council, a distinguished group of advertising, marketing and communications leaders representing such firms as Fleishman-Hillard, Ogilvy & Mather, DDB Wordwide, and Saatchi & Saatchi.

Lesley Meyer, a Director of America’s Greatest Brands, notes that a brand represents a relationship with consumers.

“A great brand becomes an icon, part of a relationship we reach for, a familiar friend,” Meyer said in a news release. “They are pillars of strength and endurance that – through perseverance and creativity – continue to capture consumers’ confidence.”

Each year the American Brands Council evaluates nominated brands on several criteria, including brand quality, resilience and longevity; customer loyalty; market leadership; and social responsibility.

Source: Dairy Herd Management