Holstein Youth Results

News EditorHolstein Association

Youth from across the country traveled to Springfield, Mo. for the National Junior Holstein Convention, competing in various contests and displaying their talents on a national stage.

Thirty-seven contestants competed in this year’s Prepared Public Speaking competition. In the Junior division, first place honors went to Allison Herrick, N.J., with her speech entitled, “Calf Raising.” Second place went to Lora Wright, Mo., with “Robotic Milking” and third was Alexandria Lopes, Calif., “Dairy Cows – Super Models of the Industry.”

In the Intermediate division, first place was Katie Migliazzo, Calif., with “Biosecurity, It’s Up to You!” Second was Jennifer Haler, Minn., “From Moo to You,” and third was Ashley Mohn, Pa., with “Cheese.”

Mary Elizabeth Foote, N.Y., captured first place in the Senior division with her speech, “Bringing the Next Generation of Dairy Farmers Back to the Farm.” In second place was Lauren Nell, Pa., “Labor Law,” and third went to Taylor Pires, Calif., “Media’s Effects on Perception of Agriculture.”

Forty eight folding displays were submitted for the sixth annual Folding Display competition. Participants create a free-standing display on a dairy industry topic of their choice. This year the folding displays were divided into two categories, creative and scientific. Having two divisions in the contest allows more youth to compete and showcase their knowledge.

The winning entry in the Junior Creative division was submitted by Kate Carlson, Ill., titled “Ethics.” Second place honors went to Katelyn McClellan, Mo., with “Embryo Transfer” and third was Rosie Lenz, Mo., with “Udders.”

In the Intermediate Creative division, Alex Pluskot, Fla., had the winning entry with “Farm Safety.” Sydney Davis, N.C., placed second with “How Now Brown Cow.” Third place went to Ashley Mohn, Pa., with her display entitled “Shh…I’m Resting.”

For the Senior Creative division, Shelby Proctor, Pa., placed first with her display, “ABS.” Jacob Shaffer, Pa., placed second with “Blast Off for Milk” and third went to Raychel Rabon, Fla., “Dairy Foods.”

Placing first in the Junior Scientific division was Sierra Swanson, Minn., with “Holsteins.” Second place was awarded to Jacey Smith, Wash., with her display titled “Hole-E-Cow (Fistulated Cows).” Rachel Nigh, Wis., was third with “5 C’s of Calf Care.”

Winning the Intermediate division in the Scientific display was Suzanna Hull, Mich., “Cow Digestion.” Jacob McGehee, Fla., was second with “Plants Toxic to Dairy Cattle.” Third place was Mark Kitchen, Pa., with “Cows’ Eyesight.”

The Senior Scientific display competition was won by Jessica Bryiger, N.J., with her display titled “Somatic Cell Count.” Austin Pluskot, Fla., was second with “By-product Feeds.” Third was Christian O’Brien, N.J., with “Holstein Heal.”

The state scrapbook contest gives each state the opportunity to showcase the Junior Holstein activities they do throughout the year. Eight states submitted entries this year, with Iowa having the winning entry, Wisconsin placing second, and New York in third.

The digital scrapbook contest saw six entries submitted. This division is judged on the same criteria as a traditional scrapbook, but must be presented on a computer, DVD player, or other digital format. Winning this year’s contest was Missouri, followed by Florida in second, and Iowa taking third.

The state banner competition allows states to show off their creative sides. This year there were a total of 10 entries that were displayed at the Convention. First place in the banner contest went to Illinois, second to Florida, and third to California.

At the National Junior Forum on June 30, three new youth area representatives were elected to serve on the Junior Advisory Committee (JAC). For Area II, Austin Pluskot of Florida was elected to replace outgoing committee member Tera Koebel of Michigan, and Briar Jeg of Washington will be replacing Brooke Schoenbachler, also of Washington, for Area IV. Molly Herberg of Minnesota was elected to serve as an At-Large committee member, replacing Derek Wasson from Pennsylvania.

Source: Holstein Association USA