Holstein Board Meeting Report

News EditorHolstein Association

The Holstein Association USA, Inc. board of directors met in Chicago, Ill. on November 14-15.

The Holstein Association is pleased to announce it will be participating in two dairy genetic research studies. The first is one in which the Association will be providing type evaluation services for a feed efficiency research study being conducted by several universities.

The board also approved funding for a study that will seek to find haplotypes of elite Holstein females that are associated with their valuable and unique phenotypes. The impetus for this study was fostered by grassroots member input.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, the board resolved:

Holstein Association USA is committed to remaining in its long-standing, traditional role as custodian and steward of the Holstein breed, specifically including genetic labeling, parentage discovery and verification, and type evaluation. The direction being taken by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding, NAAB, and the CDDR is inconsistent with this commitment by Holstein Association USA.

Furthermore upon motion duly made and seconded, the board resolved:

The Holstein Association USA Board of Directors does not approve the Bylaws recently presented to the members of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (“Council”) and continues to be opposed to the proposed Cooperative Agreement and Business Plan under consideration by the USDA and the Council in regard to a U.S. Genetic Evaluation Program.

[Ed. note: NAAB is the National Association of Animal Breeders; CDDR is the Cooperative Dairy DNA Repository, Inc.]

The board has approved the release of 2,437 prefixes effective December 31, 2012. Since its inception in 2009, the board policy allows the release for reuse of a prefix after 20 years of non-use and makes it easier for members to acquire prefixes for their herds. A proprietor may request retirement of his or her prefix for a $100 fee.

The spring board meeting will be held March 21-22, 2013, in Hartford, Ct. and the summer board meeting will be held June 7-8, 2013, in Indianapolis, Ind., held in conjunction with the 128th Annual Meeting.

Source: Holstein Association USA, Inc.