Dairy Joins Fight Against Prostate Cancer

John DavisAg Group, Dairy

modairyThis is Movember, the month where men across the country grow their upper lip hair to draw attention to prostate cancer. Well, maybe we ought to add a milk mustache to the list. A group called MoDairy, an initiative committed to raising awareness of men’s health throughout Movember, is trying to raise awareness to men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and male mental health, all through the power of the moustache.

With the high potential of men being affected by prostate cancer, dairy farmers are also at risk. “Adding to the concern, dairy farmers have less awareness as to signs and symptoms, likely have less frequent medical examinations and simply are often more focused on the care of their cows and crops than they are of their own health,” says Amy Throndsen, director of international sales for DCC Waterbeds and founding member of MoDairy.

A group dedicated to supporting Movember, MoDairy is a small coalition dedicated to help dairy producers become more aware of their health.

“The goal of this growing coalition is to increase awareness of prostate cancer and build support throughout the dairy industry to help dairy farmers protect themselves with greater education, understanding and action to help keep their health in check,” says Ed Peck, president of Filament Marketing and member of MoDairy.

Those wanting to help share the message are encouraged to growing moustaches, sharing key statistics and encouraging dairy producers to contact their doctors for health screenings.