Cattle Producers Set Direction for Industry

John DavisAg Group, Agribusiness, Beef, Beef Checkoff, NCBA

Beef checkoffThe Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver attracted more than 600 cattle producers from around the country with one of the goals to help set direction for industry programs. This news release says members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Cattlemen’s Beef Board, American National CattleWomen and National Cattlemen’s Foundation worked to create a framework for checkoff and policy efforts on behalf of U.S. cattle producers for 2016.

“This has been a great year for cattlemen and women, and the optimism for our industry shows at this meeting,” said NCBA President Philip Ellis. “With great prices and moisture across much of cattle country, spirits are high.”

A Checkoff Program update started the meeting this morning, providing those attending for CBB or NCBA Federation an overview of programs being conducted to increase consumer demand for beef. The Conference’s opening general session gave attendees a glimpse of the industry’s proposed Long Range Plan 2016-2020 and included an industry overview from CattleFax.

“Through the industry’s Long Range Plan, we will aim to grow beef demand and continue to build on consumer trust in beef,” said Ellis. “These core strategies developed for the beef industry gives us a platform for growth for the next four years.”

More information on what else was discussed at the meeting is at the NCBA website.