VitaFerm Offering Free Fetal Development Wheel

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Breeding, Cattle, Health, Meat, Reproduction, Research

FetalWheel VitaFerm has designed a unique Fetal Development Wheel to help producers successfully manage their herd’s nutritional needs during breeding, conception, and throughout the various stages of bovine fetal development.

The free wheel is based on the work of Dr. Kim Vonnahme, an associate professor at North Dakota State University with expertise in reproductive physiology, nutritional impacts on fetal and placental growth, and fetal vascularization.

“Bovine fetal development is much more specific than many producers may realize,” said Dorothy Orts, BioZyme Area Sales Manager. “So we’ve developed a tool for producers to use that helps them zero in on what’s going on right now in the life of calves in utero in their own herds, while stressing the importance of proper nutrition during all stages of development.”

Producers can use the wheel by dialing in a cow’s estimated date of ovulation and breeding. Once they have locked in that date, the wheel tells the producer what is happening with the fetus during the days and months following conception. The wheel is also able to tell producers the optimum time to schedule ultrasounds for calf sexing and due date, and which VitaFerm nutritional supplement is recommended during breeding and the various stages of fetal development to achieve maximum growth potential.

“It is surprising to many producers that a fetus’ heart starts beating at 21 days; limbs begin to form from days 25 to 30 and then glands, muscles and bones form between 40 and 50 days. Bull breeders might find day 45 of special importance – the day the testicles begin to form. Limbs lengthen and harden between 50 and 60 days and the ovaries also form in that time frame as well,” said Orts.

Despite a long-held myth in cattle production that marbling occurred only during the feedlot phase of an animal’s life, research has indicated that marbling actually starts in the fetus 80 days following conception, while brown fat starts to form at day 190 around the fetus’ internal organs for insulation and quick energy after birth. Research by Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) supports the fact that marbling actually begins during early fetal development when cells begin to differentiate into muscle or fat, and at birth, these cells continue to specialize based on nutritional and environmental factors.

Customers interested in receiving a free wheel are encouraged to contact BioZyme’s Inside Sales Team.