Science Doesn't Support IARC Opinion on Meat & Cancer

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Beef Board, Beef Checkoff, Food, food safety, NPPC, Pork, Pork Checkoff

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was assigned to review all of the available evidence on red meat and cancer risk, yet were divided on their opinion whether to label red meat a “probable” cause of cancer, according to the Beef Checkoff nutrition scientist and registered dietitian who observed the controversial process. After seven days of deliberation in … Read More

Ground Beef Safety Tips from K-State

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Beef, Food, food safety, Meat, University

While ground beef constitutes 42 percent of the beef consumed each year by Americans, several studies have shown an increasing concern among the American public regarding the safety of ground meat. Two food safety and meat science experts from Kansas State University have released helpful information for consumers on the extensive food safety and regulatory measures currently set in place … Read More

My New Holland 1st Cut Winner – Jimmy Parker

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Beef, Forage, Hay, New Holland

Here’s the next interview in our series on winners of the New Holland 1st Cut Competition. Chuck spoke by phone with Jimmy Parker from Mississippi who submitted this photo with the caption – NH baler so fast…Got finished in time to GO FISHING! There in Southeast Mississippi, Jimmy runs about a 100 head of beef cattle and operates a complete … Read More

Cattlemen’s Foundation Announces W.D. Farr Scholarships

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Education, NCBA

This January during the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, the National Cattlemen’s Foundation will present two graduate students with the W.D. Farr Scholarship. Each will receive a $12,000 scholarship to pursue careers in meat science and animal agriculture. The deserving students are Whitney Crossland of Texas A&M University and Greta Krafsur of Colorado State University. We will … Read More

Chubby Chipotle Campaign Exposes "Burrito Disguise"

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Animal Health, Antibiotics, Beef, Food, GMO, Pork

A full-page ad ran in the New York Post last week highlighting the Center for Consumer Freedom‘s Chubby Chipotle campaign.  The ad exposes Chipotle’s “healthy” burritos as 1,500 calorie meals.  The ad also points out that in addition to their Burrito Disguise, Chipotle is also facing a class-action lawsuit for alleged violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. “Chipotle … Read More

Ag Industy Comments on TPP Negotiations

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Dairy, Government, National Milk, NCBA, NPPC, Policy, Pork, Trade

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations have successfully concluded in Atlanta and many believe it will benefit all sectors of the U.S. economy by boosting U.S. exports and eliminating trade barriers. “While the full details of the partnership will not be released until the President presents it to Congress, cattle producers are assured this is a true 21st century agreement,” said … Read More

The CL Ranch in Alberta, CA

Chuck ZimmermanBeef, CFWF, International, Video

I went North young man. As in on the North Tour during the Canadian Farm Writers Federation Annual Meeting. Our fist stop was CL Ranch where we met Cheri Copithorne-Barnes. This ranch has a fascinating story. It was established in 1887 and they raise 2,000 cows at the main ranch on the edge of Calgary, Alberta. Besides raising cattle the … Read More

NCBA Urges Conclusion to TPP

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Beef, Export, NCBA

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is asking for a swift conclusion to the TTP negotiations as the United States gears up for a meeting of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Ministers. “Cattlemen and women have high expectations for the TPP as a true 21st century agreement, eliminating tariff and non-tariff trade barriers across 12 member countries,” said Philip Ellis, NCBA president. “We are encouraged by … Read More

Cargill to Invest $111 million to Convert Beef Plant

Kelly MarshallAgribusiness, Beef, Company Announcement, Food, Meat, Production

The ground beef plant in Columbus, Nebraska will soon be converted to a cooked meats facility.  Cargill plans to invest $111 million to provide the capabilities of making cooked meat products for its customers.  The process of converting the plant will begin in December of this year with the goal of producing cooked meats by the middle of 2016.  The … Read More