The Farm Whisperer ~ Be Intentional With Your Future

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Animal AgCast, Audio, Beef, Education, Farming

The legacy of the family farm or ranch is sacred. However, the preservation of that legacy is something few families like to talk about. During the Young Beef Leaders (YBL) session at the 2017 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Caterpillar, Inc. sponsored a speaker to get the converstation started. Dave Specht, author of The Farm Whisperer, has a … Read More

New Holland Rolabar Rakes Celebrates 50 Years

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Audio, Beef, Cattle, Equipment, Forage, Hay, NCBA, New Holland

Throughout 2017 New Holland Agriculture is celebrating 50 years of continuous production of their Rolabar Rakes. I have spent many summers pulling one of these around making windrow after windrow and was eager to learn more about it’s success. George Rigdon, New Holland hay tool marketing manager, said, “We were the first in grassland farming as a brand. At one … Read More

The Cargill Buying Experience

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Audio, Beef, Cargill, Cattle, NCBA, Nutrition

The many customer experiences were showcased in the Cargill booth during the recent Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. Mollie Dreibrodt serves as the marketing communications lead in beef for Cargill’s animal nutrition and walked me through how they serve cattle producers both big and small. “No matter the type of beef cattle operation you have, we’ve got you … Read More

Black Leg Ranch – Environmental Stewardship Award Winner

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Audio, Beef, Cattle, Conservation, environment, Livestock, NCBA

Congratulations go to Black Leg Ranch of McKenzie, ND. The ranch was named the 2016 winner of the prestigious Environmental Stewardship Award Program (ESAP) for its commitment to protecting America’s natural resources in a flourishing operation. Dow Agrosciences, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the National Cattlemen’s Foundation are sponsors of … Read More

Zoetis Offers Tips for a Healthy Spring Transition

Lizzy SchultzAgribusiness, Audio, Beef, Cattle, NCBA, Nutrition, Zoetis

Farms across America are inching closer to the warmer weather of springtime, and cattle health is especially important during seasonal transitions. Dr. Blaine Corners, PhD, Senior Nutritionist with Zoetis, sat down with our Jamie Johansen during the 2017 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show to give some nutrition tips for producers as they begin to move into the spring … Read More

Join Canada for 2nd Annual Beef Industry Event

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Audio, Beef, Cattle, NCBA

Our neighbors and fellow cattlemen from the North also traveled to Nashville for the 2017 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. I sat down with Jill Harvie, programs manager for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, to hear about some of their key policy issues for the upcoming year and to get the details on their upcoming convention. “This we year … Read More

Beef, Pork Urge Trump To Start Trade Talks With Japan

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Meat, NCBA, NPPC, Pork, Trade

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) urged President Trump to begin negotiations on a free trade agreement with Japan sending a joint letter asking “to initiate free trade agreement negotiations with nations in the Asia-Pacific region beginning with Japan…As you continue to lead America forward, we want to be a resource for your … Read More

John Deere at #CattleCon17

Kelly MarshallAudio, Beef, Cattle, Hay, John Deere, NCBA

The John Deere booth at the 2017 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show is the place to be if you’re a producer, says Dave Yuska, Senior Product Manager. “It looks like we’ve got pretty much everything a livestock producer would be looking for in their product portfolio. We’ve got the tractors, the 569 baler, which is our best selling … Read More

Meet NCBA’s New Policy Division Chair

Kelly MarshallAg Group, Audio, Beef, Cattle, NCBA, Policy

Joe Guild will serve as Chairman on the policy division for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association during the coming year. Jamie Johansen spoke with him at this year’s Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show about the skills he brings to the position from his job as a ranch manger in Nevada. Guild owns a ranch management business and has … Read More

AgWired Editor Receives Best of Beef Award

Chuck ZimmermanAg Group, award, Beef, Cattle, NCBA

As we like to say at ZimmComm New Media, a big Gold Star to our Jamie Johansen! This morning Jamie received the Best of Beef award for Excellence in Agricultural Journalism. We are very, very proud of her. The Best of Beef Awards Breakfast is our chance to honor the cattlemen and women and cattle industry partners who go above … Read More