Beef Checkoff Updates Educational Resources

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Beef Board, Beef Checkoff, consumer, Education

The beef checkoff has launched an updated beef resources webpage dedicated to sharing nationally focused beef-education tools with teachers, volunteers, farmers and ranchers. The site features a new video highlighting the checkoff-funded 2016 On the Farm STEM event and its impact on district- and university-level STEM coordinators. “We are excited to debut this online educational resource featuring professional development events … Read More

Global Conference on Sustainable Beef

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, sustainability

Dr. David Hughes, Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London, will keynote the 2016 Global Conference on Sustainable Beef. He will share insights into the global food industry, including retail and consumer trends. The 2016 event is themed “Building on Experience: Regionally and Globally” and is set for October 4-7 in Alberta, Canada. “Dr. Hughes is the perfect … Read More

New USDA App Protects Cattle from Heat Stress

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Animal Health, Apps, Beef, Cattle, Dairy, usda

USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has launched a new smartphone app forecasting conditions triggering heat stress in cattle and offered on both Google Play and the App Store. The app issues forecasts one to seven days in advance of extreme heat conditions, along with recommended actions that can protect animals before and during a heat-stress event. In some cattle, distress … Read More

Hereford Generates $2 Million for Youth Leadership & Edu

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, Education, Hereford

The Harvest II fundraising event benefitting the Hereford Youth Foundation of America generated $2 million for leadership events and scholarships at the Kunde Family Winery and Estate in Kenwood, Calif. The event brought together 185 Hereford enthusiasts and was hosted by Jim Mickelson, American Hereford Association Board of Directors member, and his wife, HYFA Board of Directors member Marcia Mickelson. … Read More

Hereford Groups and Biozyme Launch “Feed the Future”

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Beef, BioZyme, Cattle, Hereford, Youth

The American Hereford Association (AHA) has partnered with BioZyme Inc. and the Hereford Youth Foundation of America (HYFA) in the development of the “Feed the Future” program, which will begin September 1. For every bag or tub of eligible Biozyme supplement bought by AHA members through 2017, BioZyme will contribute $1 to HYFA through “Feed the Future.” The money raised … Read More

Comments Requested on U.S. Beef Grading Modernization

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Beef, Beef Checkoff, Food, Meat, NCBA

The USDA Ag Marketing Service (AMS) is requesting comments from U.S. cattle producers on the potential modernizing of the current standards for grading carcass beef to include considering dentition for age verification. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) requested this comment period and estimates the change would yield beef producers approximately $59 million in added revenue. Many cattle producers are … Read More

Zoetis, AGI & CAB Update GeneMax Advantage

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Angus, Beef, Cattle, Genetics

Zoetis, Angus Genetics, Inc. (AGI) and Certified Angus Beef (CAB) have updates to GeneMax® Advantage™, including upgraded marker effects, up-to-date economic assumptions, an expanded reference population for comparing animals and individual trait reporting. “What we’ve created here is a continuously updated genetic game plan for commercial users of Angus genetics,” said Kent Andersen, Director of Genetic Technical Services, U.S. Cattle-Equine, … Read More

USMEF Reports on Indonesia Beef Access

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Agribusiness, Audio, Beef, economics, Export, Export, Trade, USMEF

In this week’s audio report from the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), Joel Haggard, USMEF senior vice president for the Asia Pacific, discusses recently revised regulations to Indonesia’s restrictive import policies, which will now allow for imports of all beef muscle cuts and a range of beef variety meat items including livers, hearts, lungs, tails, tongues and feet. A large … Read More

The Bonanza Cut, Unveiled by Meat Science Professor

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Beef, Food, Meat, Meat Science

A small cut of beef that meat cutters throw in with ground meat is now being looked at as a high-end delicacy by researchers at the University of Nevada, Reno. They call it the “Bonanza Cut.” The small, quarter-moon-shaped slice of beef that has a taste and tenderness that outclasses any other cut except filet mignon made its debut for … Read More

Vilsack on Latest Quarterly Export Forecasts

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Export, Trade, usda

USDA Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued the following statement on the first forecast for U.S. agricultural exports for fiscal year 2017 and a revised forecast for fiscal year 2016. Both forecasts indicate U.S. agricultural exports have begun to rally and will continue the record-setting pace that began in 2009. “These numbers once again demonstrate the resiliency and reliability of U.S. … Read More