Missouri Grower Promotes Grain-fed Beef Overseas

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, Export, International

Missouri Corn Merchandising Council board member Greg Schneider of Warrenton, Mo., recently joined a trade delegation to promote U.S. corn-fed beef in Japan and Korea. Encouraging consumption of grain-fed beef with meat distributors and retailers, Schneider joined farmers from four other states on the U.S. Meat Export Federation mission July 26-Aug. 1. “The global livestock industry is a major user … Read More

Japanese Journalists Get Look at U.S. Beef Industry

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Beef Checkoff, International

A team of Japanese technical journalists visited offices of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), the National Cattleman’s Beef Association (NCBA), research facilities at Colorado State University (CSU) and cattle-production operations in Colorado. Funding support for the team’s visit was provided by the Beef Checkoff Program and the USDA Market Access Program (MAP) and provided insight into the U.S. beef … Read More

BIVI Market Ready to Tackle Consumer Concerns

Lizzy SchultzAg Media Summit, Animal Welfare, Antibiotics, Beef, Boehringer Ingelheim, Cattle, food safety, Vaccine

It is no secret within the beef community that a stigma has been created around the use of antibiotics in beef cattle. There is now an almost universal concern among consumers regarding the use of antibiotics and other drugs in animals raised for meat, causing a large producer-consumer disconnect; one that is the perfect catalyst for innovative advances in agricultural … Read More

Farm Bureau Develops 'Ag Mag' for Beef Production

John DavisAFBF, Ag Group, Agribusiness, Beef, Beef Checkoff, Farm Bureau

A new agricultural magazine will give students inside and outside the classroom an education in beef production. The Ag Mag, a newspaper-style reader developed by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and funded in part by the Beef Checkoff, features information about beef production, nutrition and related careers, and encourages discussions about the industry in the classroom and at … Read More

USDA Market News: Drop in Cow Meat and 90 % Trim

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, Dairy, Markets

The cow cutout dropped $12 yesterday. The biggest product from cows, ninety percernt trimmings, dropped $23. According to Ed Czerwien, USDA Market News, this indicates they are having problems moving ground beef items and may have had to dump some products. This might point towards longer term issues. The Cow Cutout down 12 dollars and those Ninety percent trimmings which … Read More

NCBA's Beltway Beef Weekly Audio

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Audio, Beef, NCBA

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (NCBA) Beltway Beef is a weekly commentary featuring NCBA members, leaders, staff and more week after week. This week we hear from Colin Woodall, NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs, is here. He discusses the recent developments surrounding the Environmental Protection Agency’s final Waters of The United States rule. Listen to this week’s Beltway Beef … Read More

eBEEF.org Focuses on Genetic Improvements in Beef

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Genetics

A new website called eBEEF.org was developed by beef cattle scientists to help producers to have to the latest beef cattle genetics and genomics information. The website, showcased at the 2015 Beef Improvement Federation Conference in Biloxi, Mississippi, is part of the national extension program, an interactive program that delivers research-based information to the public from land-grant universities across the … Read More

Five Nations Beef Alliance Says TPP Must Deliver

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Export, NCBA, Trade

Beef producers from Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) member countries are calling for a high-quality market access deal on beef to be secured at the TPP ministerial meeting in Hawaii in late July. The group make up the Five Nations Beef Alliance (FNBA) and include Cattle Council of Australia, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Confederacion Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, … Read More

Farming New Holland SMART in Pennsylvania

Chuck ZimmermanBeef, Cattle, Farming, Hay, New Holland, Video

Rob and Amy Hess own Bow Creek Farm near Hershey, PA. They raise Red Angus cattle and are true blue New Holland customers. During New Holland Media Days one of our stops was the farm where Rob and Amy gave us a tour and answered questions. We ended up at one of their hay fields to do a little baling … Read More

U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef Sets Course

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, sustainability

The common goal of continuously improving beef sustainability brought over 120 beef producers, retailers, foodservice operators, processors, academics, allied industry partners and non-governmental organizations to the first U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef General Assembly meeting. “Continuously improving beef sustainability requires the cooperation and collaboration of every segment of the beef value chain, from the rancher to the consumer,” said USRSB … Read More