Beef Checkoff Adopts New Committee Structure

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Beef Checkoff

The Cattle Industry Summer Conference took place last week in Denver with the goals to help set direction for industry programs. Included in discussion was the new 2016-2020 Beef Industry Long Range Plan. Subsequent to adoption of the new 2016-2020 Beef Industry Long Range Plan the national Beef Checkoff Program transitioned its committee structure to reflect the consumer demand drivers … Read More

Cattle Industry Conference Sets Priorities for Industry

John DavisAg Group, Agribusiness, Beef, NCBA

More than 600 cattlemen and women were part of the conversation on policy priorities for their industry during the recently completed Cattle Industry Summer Conference. The meeting in Denver, Colorado, addressed expiring policies and discussed proposed policy brought forward from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s state affiliates. “The Cattle Industry Summer Conference is the time when our producer members are … Read More

Cattle Producers Set Direction for Industry

John DavisAg Group, Agribusiness, Beef, Beef Checkoff, NCBA

The Cattle Industry Summer Conference in Denver attracted more than 600 cattle producers from around the country with one of the goals to help set direction for industry programs. This news release says members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Cattlemen’s Beef Board, American National CattleWomen and National Cattlemen’s Foundation worked to create a framework for checkoff and policy efforts … Read More

House Bans Brazilian, Argentine Beef While FMD Evaluated

John DavisAgribusiness, Beef, Government, legislation

A U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee approved an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill that would ban the importation of Brazilian and Argentine Beef until the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) evaluates the potential risk of foot and mouth disease to the U.S. cattle industry caused by these imports. This news release from Congressman Kevin Cramer says the … Read More

Groups File Lawsuit To Vacate ‘WOTUS’ Rule

John DavisAFBF, Ag Group, Agribusiness, Beef, Cattle, Government, legislation, NCBA, NPPC, PLC, Pork

More than a dozen farm groups have joined together to file a lawsuit to vacate a new Clean Water Act (CWA) regulation, better known as the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. The National Pork Producers Council says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have overstepped their bounds with the rule with an … Read More

Administration Places Politics Over Producers

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, NCBA, Trade

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association stands firmly opposed to regulation from the USDA APHIS for the Importation of Fresh Beef from Northern Argentina and a Region in Brazil, not on the basis of trade but on the basis of animal health concerns. These areas have a known history of Foot-and-Mouth disease and this ruling would allow the inspection process to … Read More

NCBA CEO Announces Resignation

Cindy ZimmermanBeef, NCBA

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) CEO Forrest Roberts has announced his resignation, effective July 31. Roberts has been the CEO of NCBA since 2009 and is leaving NCBA to “pursue other opportunities in the cattle industry and agribusiness.” He will remain with NCBA until the end of July to help NCBA with transition of staff leadership and his roles in … Read More

U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to Meet

Chuck ZimmermanAg Group, Beef, sustainability

The U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, started in March of this year, announced today the first general assembly meeting. When: July 14 and 15, 2015 Where: Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center 650 15th St., Denver, CO 80202 Program here. Registration here. USRSB’s mission is to advance, support and communicate continuous improvement in U.S. beef sustainability through leadership, … Read More

Mexico Hosts the 2015 World Angus Secretariat

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Angus, Beef

The Mexican Angus Association is hosting the World Angus Secretariat in mid-October that promises to feature the beautiful Mexican countryside alongside Angus cattle. The organization of more than 20 Angus breed associations worldwide, will conduct its biennial meeting to discuss the latest breed information and technological advances, as well as tour some of the region’s locales and, of course, prized … Read More

Livestock Groups Pleased with TPA Passage

Cindy ZimmermanAg Group, Beef, Dairy, Government, NCBA, NPPC, Trade

The U.S. House passed Trade Promotion Authority Thursday by a vote of 218-208 getting fast track back on track, making the U.S. meat and dairy industry happy. “Trade Promotion Authority gives Congress the ability to set definitive goals for the President in negotiations, and then requires any deal be brought back for final approval,” said National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president … Read More