“Payment systems for ex-farm milk” is the name of the latest publication from the International Dairy Federation. They say it contains the results of their latest survey of what farmers are paid for their milk in 29 countries.
PA Dairy Summit This Week
It sounds like a great program is being prepared for attendees at the upcoming Pennsylvania Dairy Summit.
NMPF Joins AVA And Vice Versa
It seems like we’re seeing more partnering of agricultural groups than ever before. I think this is a good thing and long overdue in most cases. This week the National Milk Producers Federation and the American Veal Association officially joined each other.
WDPA Donation To PDPW
The Wisconsin Dairy Products Association has made several donations with the net proceeds of its 2005 World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Product Contest and Auction.
Hispanic "Drink Milk" TV Ads
I think Adrants describes these spots right with the word “quirky.” They’re the hispanic targeted Got Milk TV ads. You can see a couple of them here: Amazing Hair Goddesses and Contortionist.
2005 Wisconsin Dairy Statistics Record High
According to an announcement from the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, looking at the latest information from the Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service, last year was a good year for the dairy industry.
NMPF Formally Supports FDA UF Milk Proposal
Last week the National Milk Producers Federation came out formally in support of a proposal by the FDA to “allow for the use of liquid ultrafiltered milk in the manufacture of standardized cheeses and cheese products.” According to their latest newsletter:
NMPF Announces Senior Staff Restructuring
It’s promotion time at the National Milk Producers Federation. They announced some senior management changes today as part of a reorganization effort.
3 A Day On Super Sunday
How are you supposed to get your 3 A Day on Super Sunday? It’s easy if you use the recipes that the American Dairy Association has posted on their 3 A Day website.
Bio-terror And The Dairy Industry
We’re hearing a lot about bio-security in agriculture today. If you wonder how the issue is being handled in the dairy business then you should listen to what Pennsylvania dairy producer Lew Gardner has to say.