Anaplasmosis Treatment in Beef Cattle Under VFD

Jamie JohansenAnimal AgCast, Animal Health, Antibiotics, Audio, Beef, Cattle, Disease, Veterinary, VFD

In this week’s AnimalAgCast we discuss one of the most talked about issues in animal agriculture circles these days. January 2017 brought us the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD). Dr. Craig Payne, University of Missouri Extension, has spoke to a number of groups across the country educating vets and producers on the VFD and serving as a key resource for continued … Read More

NCBA, PLC Praise Effort to Curb Abuse of Antiquities Act

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, energy, Government, Land, NCBA, PLC

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the Public Lands Council applaud the introduction of the Improved National Monument Designation Process Act, championed by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). The bill, which has 25 co-sponsors, would require congressional and state approval for the designation of any new monument. “Executive branch abuse of the Antiquities Act has moved … Read More

Livestock Groups Send Priorities to Trump Admin

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, ASI, Beef, Government, Land, NCBA, PLC, Policy

Industry groups, including the Public Lands Council (PLC), the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and the American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) have issued federal land management priorities for the incoming administration with the hope to bring responsible management and economic viability back to the Western landscape. “Ranchers and other multiple-use interests in the West have been subjected to an almost … Read More

#TwitterBeef – Wendy’s ‘Fresh, Never Frozen’

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, Audio, Beef, Food

This week Wendy’s took on a troll questioning their ‘fresh, never frozen’ beef. This is not the first time Wendy’s has taken pride in the beef they serve. Last year at the 2016 Cattle Industry Convention and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Trade Show, Wendy’s gave away burgers and Frosty’s to cattlemen and women in attendance. I was one of those … Read More

Beef Maintains Favorable Tenderness Ratings

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Beef Board, Beef Checkoff, Meat, Meat Science, Nutrition

The beef checkoff-funded 2015/2016 National Beef Tenderness Survey was conducted at Texas A&M University, which has surveyed beef tenderness regularly since 1990. “Despite some challenges over the past ten years, including drought, fluctuating supply and rising input costs, the tenderness of the beef being produced in the United States has remained steady, and often improved,” according to Jeffrey Savell, Ph.D., … Read More

USTR Action on EU’s Unfair Trade Against U.S. Beef Industry

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, NCBA, Trade

The Obama Administration announced that the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is taking action against the European Union’s (EU) unfair trade practices that discriminate against U.S. beef imports. Acting on the request of the U.S. beef industry, USTR has scheduled a public hearing and is seeking public comments in connection with the EU’s ban on most U.S. … Read More

USMEF Reports on Beef Exports to Brazil

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Beef, Export, Export, Trade, USMEF

On this week’s audio report from the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), technical services manager Cheyenne McEndaffer discusses the recent agreement that will resume trade for fresh and frozen beef cuts to Brazil for the first time in 13 years. U.S. beef had not been accepted by Brazil since the December 2003 BSE case, and Brazil’s beef exports to the … Read More

Ten Students Awarded CME Beef Industry Scholarships

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, NCBA, scholarship

Ten college students, who are pursuing careers in the beef industry, have been chosen for the 2017-2018 $1,500 CME Beef Industry Scholarships. The scholarship is sponsored by the CME Group and administered by the National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF). Taylre Sitz of Bozeman, Mont., is the overall essay winner. “We’re pleased continue our support of the CME Beef Industry Scholarships, which … Read More

American Gelbvieh Association Elects Board of Directors

Jamie JohansenAg Group, Beef, Cattle, Gelbvieh

Members of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) elected five candidates to the board of directors at the annual membership meeting held December 2, 2016, during the 46th Annual American Gelbvieh Association National Convention in Lincoln, Nebraska. Newly elected board members are John Carrel, Columbus, Montana; Leland Clark, Barnard, Kansas; Doug Hughes, Max Meadows, Virginia, and Klint Sickler, Gladstone, North Dakota. … Read More

Iowa Beef Checkoff Referendum Results Certified

Lizzy SchultzAg Group, Beef, Beef Checkoff

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship has certified the results from the referendum held November 30th to reinstate the $.50 per head Iowa beef checkoff. Collection of the checkoff will begin March 1, 2017. The referendum passed with 56 percent of the more than 1700 voting producers favoring the reinstatement of the assessment. The Iowa beef checkoff will … Read More