Have you dreamed about Holsteins? If not you can obtain a free video called “Dairy Dreams.” It’s not exactly the same thing but it’s still about dreams. It’s a new educational video about the Holstein Foundation that is sponsored by Dairymaster USA, Inc. The 12-minute video features short informational introductions to each of the Foundation’s programs.
Fescue Problems in the Plains
You may have an opportunity to turn fescue problems into strong pastures this season, according to the University of Missouri Extension. Beacuase of this year’s early onset of warm Spring weather, tall fescue fields have reared seed heads nearly a month ahead of normal. As you know, the fescue seeds carry high levels of toxicity that can reduce weight gains and lower milk production, so this news is troubling. But the story doesn’t end there.
No Need to "Wine" About Cheese Prices…
… at least, the California Milk Advisory Board doesn’t think so. In fact, they’re banking on the wine industry in the state to help drum up increased demand for California cheeses. CMAB has developed a retail partnership with Mirassou Wines for a national co-promotion to encourage consumers to sample both products.
Spoiled Silage – Don't Feed It
With higher energy prices this summer, you might be tempted to stretch that silage a little farther than you probably should.
Accelerated Genetics Fosters Youth Education
… by offering six scholarships to young agricultural students. Four scholarships of $500 have been awarded to incoming college freshmen including:
Great Lakes Manure Expo Encourages You to "Keep It In the Root Zone"
Three land-grant universities are cooperating to teach and demonstrate effective, efficient, and sustainable manure handling strategies this July.
USDA's Latest Edition of Healthy Animals Out Now
USDA produces a newsletter called Healthy Animals, and the latest edition is out now. This quarterly online newsletter compiles ARS news and expert resources on the health and well-being of agricultural animals.
Kids and Calcium Supplements – Not Necessary
The supplements, I mean… not necessary for the kids, that is! New research indicates that calcium supplements may not be providing the advertised benefits to the youngsters after all.
As Temperatures Rise, So Does Alfalfa Weevil Feeding
Scouting for field crop insects is not just left to corn and soybean growers. Now is the time for alfalfa producers to begin scouting their fields for alfalfa weevil, an insect that can cause severe defoliation if left unchecked.
Dairy Consumption Isn't Associated with Weight Gain
A study released earlier this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that calcium intake isn’t linked to weight gain.